About Midsummer Park Preschool

At Midsummer park preschool our aim is to provide a homely experience where the children can role play and share ideas with their peers and staff. 

Our setting consists of two rooms, we take children from aged 2 until they move on to reception year. We also benefit from a large garden, free flow snack area and large indoor climbing frame. 

Our team 

 Sarah Knights - Manager 

Gina Collett - Deputy manager 

Ailish Creighton - SENCO

Sonia Dacosta - Seedling room lead 

Natalie Grabben - Flower room lead 

We currently have 4 level 3 staff in seedling room and 4 in flower room. 

Each room has their own snack lead. 

We also have 2 working towards their level 3 qualification and 2 unqualified staff. 



Contact Us Today

Interested in enrolling your child at Midsummer Park Preschool? Reach out to us for more information or to schedule a visit.